Senin, 30 Desember 2013

Why Insurance is Paid ?

Have you ever experienced insurance claims are not paid ? If so , of course, you will surely be angry , upset and disappointed . But do not rush to blame the Insurance Company ( PA ) first , see the first article of this , and know what are the causes of insurance is not paid .

Yes , some of you may think that insurance can only give promises without any evidence .However , if you 've ever prove it ? If not , maybe you should take insurance first, then prove whether Insurance Company ( PA ) is a broken promise your good or included .
PA cases were broken promise should be viewed case by case basis , not generalized .That is , not only because the PA did not keep their promises , then you consider all of the PA is not true . Non-payment of insurance money by a PA could be due to many things .What are the causes of Sum Assured Life Insurance not paid to customers .

Not all failures are caused by the PA claims payments . It could also be the cause is the customers themselves . Generally there are five mistakes that could lead to customers Insurance Money not paid :
1 . Customer dishonesty .
Before someone has a life insurance product , he first had to fill out Life Insurance Proposal Letter ( SPAJ ) Insurance . In SPAJ there are questions that must be answered by a prospective customer , and from the answers that the PA will see whether to provide life insurance protection to you or not .
Well , this is often when filling SPAJ prospective customer does not give the correct answer . For example , in SPAJ there is a question about whether you had been treated in hospital in the last two years . If you answered no - although never hospitalized six months ago , for example - then when your death occurs and the PA you discover that the cause of death was due to an illness that never makes you go in the hospital about six months ago , well ... do not expect the PA will pay UP they promised .

2 . The existence of exceptions by the PA to pay the sum insured .
Life sometimes does not give the PA benefits they promised when it turns out the cause of your death was excluded ( and the exception is written in the policy ) . Regarding this exception , generally PA set the number of exceptions that vary . However , generally are :Deaths due to suicideDeath because the person in question committed the crimeDeaths due to AIDSDeaths due to critical illness , where death occurred in her first year of PA insurance program concernedDeaths due to force majeure , or things that can not be avoided , such as war , natural disasters , or civil commotion .Well , often the exceptions contained in the policy it is not read by the client , so that he felt aggrieved when the sum insured insurance is not paid . That's why , if you have the insurance policy , a time longer to read the articles contained in the policy .

3 . Customers too long to make a claim
Generally , the PA set limits for filing an insurance claim . Typically , the time limits stipulated was three months . Fuss , customers often claim filed beyond the time limit , so the PA difficult to fulfill .
For example , your husband follow a Life Insurance program with you as his heir . In the event of the death of your husband , then you can only get the promised insurance benefits if you are still filing claims within three months after the death . If not , the insurance company may not want to provide the benefits they promise .
Now , you can know how long the time limit given by the PA you in filing a death claim ?You can read it on your Insurance Policy . After that , if it did occur later risk of death , immediately submit his claim to the PA .

4 . The terms of the time of filing a claim is less complete
PA usually ask a number of requirements when filing a claim if it does occur the risk of death in people who are covered . Requirements that are often not met or completed by the deceased client , so that the PA would not be able to immediately pay their claims .
Typically , the requirements demanded by the PA if you want to file a death claim is :Death Certificate of RT / RWAccident Certificate of Police ( if death occurs due to accident )Statement from the hospital ( if the death occurs in hospital ) , where the letter was signed by the doctor concernedClaim Form issued by the PAPhotocopy of Identity Heirs .So , if there is a risk of death , do not forget to meet all the requirements demanded by the PA . Nah difficult , right?

5 . Non-payment of premium by the customer within a specified time period
It is already clear . If you do not pay premiums according to the specified time period , your insurance policy may be void. This means , you are no longer covered by insurance .This is what often happens . In the early days , customers pay premiums diligently , but at a certain moment , premiums are no longer paid , even up to a certain time limit .
It's just the same as if you use electricity and do not pay within a certain time limit , so your electricity disconnected at home threatened by PLN . Therefore , make sure you know the rules of your premium payments . Do not let your insurance policy is not valid just because you forgot to pay your premiums on time .

Aside from the customer side , non-payment of insurance money can also be caused by errors caused by PARTY PA . There are several actually , but it is common there are only two :
1 . Insurance Agent dishonesty in presenting insurance products
Your insurance agent can be dishonest in presenting its Life Insurance products . For example , when met , he said that the PA will pay UP Life Insurance critical illness when death is caused , including if the risk occurs in the first year . Though generally not the case .
Granted , not every PA has the same policy . So my advice , what you see in your insurance policy that is to be used as a reference , instead of what is said Insurance Agent . PA generally gives a kind Money Back Guarantee if it turns out you are not satisfied with the articles listed in the policy .
You can restore the policy , and your money will be returned . Of course , the return policy as long as it is within the specified period of time set by the PA , which is usually 30 to 90 days . Then, if all Insurance Agent can not be trusted ? Yes , baseball , dong . That , right back to the person . Do not because there is an agent that ' baseball Ko ' , then you say that all insurance agents in the world ' not right ' . Once again , it all goes back to their respective characters .
Well , to prove whether a given presentations Life Insurance Agent 's right, you live alone match the Insurance Policy issued . If the same , meaning your insurance agent is honest and trustworthy . If not , report him to his insurance company .
2 . His company recalcitrantIf you find that you have met all the requirements requested , honest in filling the SP , diligent in paying premiums , filing a claim is still sending the prescribed period , but claim you still have not paid , please check again . It could be the company that is recalcitrant .Immediately report to the authorities if necessary .

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